1. The student (s) 涉及到 shall be notified within three (3) working days in writing by the Director/Assistant Director of Student Engagement that a report has been filed involving him/her in an incident that is in direct violation of the Coahoma 社区 College code of conduct. The notification will outline the time and place of the informal hearing, and if the student does not attend he/she invokes his/her rights to formal 诉讼.
  2. The student, at the informal hearing, is presented with charges, given an opportunity to respond to the charges presented, given an opportunity to confront his/her accuser, and an opportunity to accept/reject the proposed discipline (sanction) by the appropriate council via a signed document materialized by the Office of Student Engagement.
  3. If sanctions are necessary and the student does not accept the discipline (sanction), based on evidence and/or witnesses that are requested by the accused to be presented/heard in formal 诉讼, hearing procedures are then invoked within three (3) working days of signing the form invoking rights to formal 诉讼. A time and place of the hearing will be sent to the student (s) and the appropriate council will hear 这个案子. If the student does not sign the disciplinary form, the student automatically invokes his/her rights to formal 诉讼 that could lead to probation, suspension, or expulsion, for disrespecting the code of student conduct and the judicial process of Coahoma 社区 College. If the student (s) fails to appear before any council, the council will make a decision in his/her absence, and the student shall be notified in writing of the council's decision, which will stand as record for the student (s) 涉及到. Director/Assistant Director of Student Engagement will notify the student (s) of the council's decision in writing to be mailed to the student's (s) address which was submitted on the application to the college if the student resides in a 学生宿舍. Also, the decision will be delivered to the occupant's (s) room.
  4. The student can bring witnesses, an advisor, and/or an attorney to the formal hearing, but the student (s) has to notify in writing the office of the Director/Assistant Director of Student Engagement two (2) days (48 hours) prior to the hearing but can only be heard at the discretion of the presiding officer. If a witness that is a student of the college is present and engages in false testimony or misrepresentation/falsification, the student (s) will at that time become a part of the judicial process of the college and sanctions may be imposed.
  5. When a student is accused of violating the Student or Collegiate Codes of Conduct and criminal charges are pending against the student, an attorney may be present. In this instance, the role of the attorney is limited and passive. The attorney cannot actively participate in the hearing or ask questions of the witnesses or judicial 委员会成员. The attorney's role is to advise the student regarding self-incrimination and to observe the 诉讼. If a student does not have present criminal charges pending, an attorney, however, will not be permitted to be present during any disciplinary 诉讼.
  6. When the judicial process and/or uncomfortability of college officials involve a ward of the State, residence of a living/treatment facility, a felon, an individual that poses a threat to others, or an individual already a part of a criminal case and/or investigation, the Director/Assistant Director of Student Engagement at discretion will contact and cooperate with the cooperating agency whether it be state, federal, 或当地.

    Student Code of Conduct>